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Brussels – Belgium
14. November 2015 @ 18:00 - 20:00
In 2010 Raphael Fellmer, author of the book “Happy without money” travelled moneyless from The Hague to Mexico. He continued his money-strike back in Berlin with his wife and their two children. He established the foodsaving network against food waste that has already saved more than 2.5 million kilograms of food distributed from 1700 businesses. After five years without money he started using money again in 2015.
Raphael gives in his talk an insight about his experience of a 5-year-long money-strike, the opportunities and expierence he made, background information why he did. Furthermore he shares the story of the unique foodsaving network he founded in 2012 in Berlin as well as the difficult parts his way of life has had for his family. He outlines his dream of a world without money or bartering and how he wants to forward evolution through yunity, a revolutionary ad-free, open source, multi-sharing and saving platform which he is bringing into reality with an international team.
More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/520594391450905/